Monday, July 11, 2011


We have been attending Crossroads Church in Corona and i have to say i love this church.  Its really like a second family when we get there, and i do not think i ever felt this way when i have arrived at a church.  I am starting to build relationships with other members and hopefully we will be able to attend more fellowship activities and get involved more when our schedules get a bit defined in the future. 

I really love knowing my Bug has an enjoyable time with people who have God in their life guiding them.  Helps me know that the things being said and care be given to my son is all grounded by a common faith. It is also great to know that he gets to class and is EAGER to get in his classroom and fellowship with his teachers and peers!  Makes me wish i had the means to send him to this school full time.

All his crafts he creates he walks out of class holding as if he really knows "I did this, and i know what it is" I LOVE it, and God willing this motivation and love for church, our faith and beliefs is something that he will grow to know and love with each passing day!


Rice Bowl "I was hungry and you fed me-Jesus"
Apparently he wasnt into coloring this day

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