Sunday, August 29, 2010

1st year

OK well as I prefaced before my child is Amazing. And though I'm biased I'm sure you can ask anyone who crosses his path the same question and you'll get a similar response.

His father was pro-abortion an as a conservative person the only aborting I could do was leaving the grown man who wanted me to kill a human growing in me. At that moment I took on motherhood head first!
My son was born on a Sunday, he weighed 8lbs 8oz @ 8am, according to Chinese cultural (so I'm told) he is destined for greatness with all his lucky 8's. I knew he was destined to be great when I found out he was hibernating in my belly! (Such a mom I know haha)

When I was in the hospital holding him he was so alert, when someone walked into my room he held his head up and opened his eyes to see who it was. The nurses all kept looking at my chart as the couldn't believe he was hours/days old and "acknowledging" people walking through the door.

3 months later we settled in to being a unit at home. He fell in his routine and I feel into my new role. At 3 months he started rolling over and raising his head upper body up by his arms laying on his stomach.
5 months we crawled like a silver back gorilla on the palms of our hands and bottoms of our knee's. 5 months and 1 week we pulled our self up on furniture to side step to where we wanted to be...then at 7 months we walked unassisted.

We have a endless amount of energy and growing curiosity about the functions of things in our everyday life. I have taken him to gymnastics, gymboree and my gym classes....BY far if u have the funds my gym was amazing! Their staff was so friendly and eager to help kids satisfy and grow their curiosity about working out, gaining motor skills and agility while teaching them every day lessons such as colors numbers and learning the alpha bet!

We say "ma ma" and "dddddddd" and point to things we want. We can sign "wind" and "outside" but don't do them on demand. I am trying to enunciate the objects he wants, as well as anything I hand him ( I also try to sign the object as well....well all those I know). In hopes that he gets its verbal and visual and can associate it with the object of interest.

We r now 14 months and starting the potty training process! I know its a process and I'm starting early.
My baby bug is smart enough to put two and two together so we will start but go slow and take each moment as they come!

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